A Statement to our Clients Regarding The Reversal Of Roe v Wade

As therapists, the most important requirement of our work is to facilitate a safe and confidential environment for our clients to work through challenging and deeply personal issues. This space is created in part by holding therapeutic boundaries and limiting our own self-disclosure, in order to foster the non judgmental relationship between therapist and client that is so vital to therapeutic change.

In our work we are trained to practice radical empathy, but radical empathy does not mean accepting all things. It means that I see and love the human in you even when you cannot. It means I advocate for your fundamental human rights, even when other systems work to strip them away.

This decision is an assault on all fundamental human rights, and we understand that we have a duty to speak in defense of the dignity of every human to live without fear of discrimination and to be afforded the same rights to life and liberty.

If you are feeling angry, afraid, re-traumatized, hopeless, or any number of complex feelings, we want you to know that the greatest of all comforts is connection and community. Life is not without pain, but pain felt alone is worse. Please know that we are with you. We believe in the great potential of humans to right wrongs and to act in love for, and with, one another.


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